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Christmas 2024: Get 50% off all our catalog during December !
Discover our more than 600 albums catalog
Get 50% off all our available albums.
Use this code at checkout: Xmas24(During December 2024, end date: 31.12.24)

Beethoven & Mozart: Get 20% off this album
CD 3096 Beethoven & Mozart - Cameristi della Scala, Wilson Hermanto
Get 20% off this album. Use this code at checkout: Wilson
(No end date, only for this album)

MUT23: Get 20% off these both albums with this code
CD 3051 - Opus 1 Feminin by Kathrin Schmidlin
CD 3035/36 - J. S. Bach: Sonatas & Partitas for solo violin by Esther Hoppe
Get 20% off these both albums. Use this code at checkout: MUT23
(No end date, only for these two albums)

Organ 2021: 20% off your order for all the albums in the Organ's collection
(No end date, one use per customer, only on Organ's albums)
Get 20% off your next order. Use this code at checkout: ORGAN21

OCL 2021: 20% off your order for all the albums in the OCL's collection
(No end date, one use per customer, only on OCL's albums)
Get 20% off your next order. Use this code at checkout: OCL21

Emile Jaques-Dalcroze: La Veillée: 10% off your order of this album
(No end date, one use per customer, only on this album)
Get 10% off your next order. Use this code at checkout: Dalcroze
There is no more actual discounts. Come back visit this page soon !

ClassicalFan: Get 20% off these both albums with this code
Get 20% off your next order. Use this code at checkout: ClassicalFan
(Until December the 31st 2023)

Heimat: Get 20% off this album with this code
Get 20% off this album. Use this code at checkout: Heimat
(until release date)

ClownDimitri: Get 20% off this album with this code
CD 0385 - Canti popolari nel Ticino
Get 20% off this album. Use this code at checkout: ClownDimitri
(until November the 30th 2023)

New IOSS VAT system for UE: Get 50% off your order
Don’t miss the opportunity to test our new IOSS VAT system to avoid fees and extra payments at reception
Get 50% off your order. Use this code at checkout: 50-IOSS
(Until November the 17th, 23:00)

EASTER23: Get 50% off the entire catalog for Easter
Get 50% off all of our albums:
Use this code at checkout: EASTER23
(Until 12.04.2023)

Xmas 2022: For Christmas 2022, get 20% off your order with this code
(Until December the 26th, on all available albums)
Get 20% off on your next order. Use this code at checkout: XMAS22

Get one for free: Buy latest Finghin Collins' album "The Bright Day is Done" and get one of his other Claves' album for free
(Until December the 15th, one use per order, only on Collins' albums)
Get one album for free on your next order:
Use this code at checkout: COLLINS22

Easter 2021: 20% off your order for all the albums
(End date: 19.04.2021)
Get 20% off your order. Use this code at checkout: EASTER21

Xmas 2021: 20% off your order on all our catalog
(Until end of January 2022, one use per customer, on all the catalog)
Get 20% off your next order:
Use this code at checkout: XMAS21

Christmas 2020: 50% off on your second album
(Until the end of December 2020)
Get 50% off on your second album until end of December 2020. Use this code at checkout: JN97KXW

Christmas 2019: 30% off on our new releases
Get 30% off on all our new albums until end of December 2019:
Use this code at checkout: Xmas19
(Until the end of December 2019)
Our offer for Xmas 2018
Get 20% off on all our available albums for Christmas !
Use this code at checkout: Xmas18
(Until the end of December 2018)
(Active from Nov 24 to Nov 27 2017)Get 20% off entire order on all available albums with this code: Black17
(Until the 22nd January 2017)Get 20% off on this album Coup de cœur Piguet Galland, Cully Classique 2015, Siranossian & Fouchenneret with this code: AstrigFans
Guillaume Bellom, Piano
(Until the 31.01.17, limit date of the votes for the Competition)Guillaume Bellom nominé aux Victoires de la musique 2017 , son album en précommande à 10. CHF avec ce code: Victoires2017
Our offer for Xmas 2016
(Until the end of December 2016)Get these albums at a special price for Christmas 2016 !
(No more active)Get free shipping for all orders of the last album of Cristian Budu with this code: Budu2013
(No more active)Get 20% off for all orders of the last album of Mélodie Zhao in the occasion of the Award 5 Diapason with this code: ZhaoDiapason2016
(No more active)Get 20% off for all orders of the last album of Voce Suaves with this code: VocesSuavesFriends